Ah Ladora, that's wonderful to say,I pass by citadels at 75 mph in blurred perspective:Tama MontezumaRedfield DexterAvoca HarianWhat country am I traveling through?Swinging my state and using my mileage, nearly empty, like the cabin of my truck, save for me800 miles to go, 591 online friends, no companion for this wandering vehicle and mind
Until I stop in Haxtun Sedgewick, whereby a man named Sedgewick Haxtun tests the Air Conditioned winds and finds a ride, HO! We must go! He exclaims, holding a leather datebook and
Hop sliding into my Shotgun, check for weapons, only the pen he exclaims, proponent of peace
And alphabetical poetics, breaking the magnetic clasp of his datebook he finger glides by tiny ticks through dozens of pages to a section of 26 ink smudged thoughts, he sings: